Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 8 - Neighborhood Walks

After yesterday's big adventure to Belgium, today was a bit more low-key. I decided to walk from my apartment across Ile Saint-Louis, one of the two natural islands in Paris (the other, of course is Ile de la Cite), and then north into the Marais, another arrondissement that I was not all that familiar with, having only been there once before at night. The day was overcast and one of only the two times throughout my entire trip I had to take out my umbrella.
Building and courtyard in the Marais
One of my destinations was the Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis cathedral. I remember stepping inside just briefly back in 2006 and recalled that it was pretty amazing so I wanted to return. This was the first Jesuit church in Paris.
Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis Cathedral

Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis Cathedral

Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis Cathedral
After visiting the church, I made my way to Place des Vosages, the oldest planned square in Paris. Once again, this was a spot I can only imagine how much more beautiful it would be in the spring or summer. On this winter day, however, it was just gray and rainy. While there, I also walked by the Maison de Victor Hugo, where the writer lived for 16 years before he died.
Statue of Louis XIII - Place des Vosages

Sign denoting Victor Hugo's house
After grabbing some lunch, I headed back to the 6th arrondissement, the neighborhood where I was staying, to check out a couple more churches (more churches . . . I know!), St. Germain, the oldest church in Paris and St. Sulpice. Neither church is as striking as say, Notre Dame or Chartres, but they were both beautiful nonetheless.
St. Germain Church

St. Germain Church

St. Sulpice Church

St. Sulpice Church

St. Sulpice Church

St. Sulpice Church

St. Sulpice Church
I spent the remainder of the afternoon just wandering around my neighborhood. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the hotel where Oscar Wilde died was just around the corner from my apartment. L'Hotel, as it is known now, is a luxury four-star hotel, much different than what it was in Oscar Wilde's day. There is a simple plaque attached to the outside of the hotel denoting it is where Oscar Wilde died. There were also other famous residents of the hotel, including Marlon Brando and Jorge Luis Borges.
Oscar Wilde plaque outside L'Hotel

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